casa lojema

Casa LoJeMa, the physical manifestation of Jonathan’s vision, a sacred space set in the spirit of a monastery. This old farm, with 35 simple sleeping spaces, houses the ConSensual mission, featuring a consecrated temple, altar, and the Energy Enhancement System that fills the space with transformative energy, offering a unique and immersive experience.

Casa LoJeMa is the physical expression of the dream Jonathan had and is set up in the spirit of a ‘monastery’ in which Jonathan lives and practices full-time.

It is a very old farm, 35 sleeping spaces and in simple accommodation, the temple is lit and the altar consecrated 24/7, and the Energy Enhancement System lights up the whole house. Coming to Casa LoJeMa is an entirely different experience from being at a professional retreat center.

The house lives our mission, and you are embraced by its energy whenever you come here. Casa LoJeMa is the home of the ConSensual ‘Family’ and our core team also uses its spaces for their work.


support cell regeneration. improve immune function. reduce pain and inflammation.

detoxify the body.

elevate your mood.

The EE system is a cutting edge technology that uses scalar energy to promote wellness and self-healing of the body. The technology generates multiple bio-active waves that are life enhancing energy fields.

These waves may allow cell regeneration, improve immune function, may provide relief from pain, detoxify the body, elevate moods, and assist in balancing right and left brain hemispheres. It also may have a profound impact on your spiritual well-being and the way you relate to others, as well as significantly increasing your energy levels.

In fact the biggest immediate impact you will feel is a deep relaxation and a sleep of altered quality. It works on humans and animals alike. 



You might have some questions. Find the answers here.

  • How does it work & what do I do during a session?

    In short you do no-thing during the session.

    You come settle into our extremely comfortable chairs, incline yourself backwards and sleep, rest, or meditate. Your phone has to be on flight mode.

    You may listen to music, but be sure to download it and have earphones with you. Please respect everybody's experience in the room: silence in the room, no talking, walking around, eating.

    Drink plenty of water before, and there is certainly water available in the room. Allow your body to take over, still the mind (it does not get this anyway), and relax into whatever the energy can do for you.

    The EE-system works with 'Bio-scalar photonic fusion technology'. The Energy Enhancement System™ (EESystem™) generates multiple bio-active life enhancing energy fields, including "scalar waves" which may allow cell regeneration, improve immune function, may provide relief from pain, detoxify the body, elevate moods, and assist in balancing right and left hemispheres of the brain to increase energy levels.

    This technology, developed over 20 years by Dr. Sandra Rose Michael, Ph.D, DNM, DCSJl, uses custom-installed computers to generate an energy field that is “stuff from the stars”.

  • What are the different sessions you offer?

    We offer many different versions of how you can experience the EE-System, Casa LoJeMa, and us.

    You can book 2-hr, 4-hr, 8-hr XL sessions (on certain days), as well as packages with a reduced price per session.

    You may stay overnight, alone or in a couple (big double bed), or in a group (maximum 4). 

    Our very special offer is a 24-hour stay (only Tuesdays), where you can really re-charge yourself and enter a deep meditative state.

    You will receive a free individual 30 min session with Jonathan as part of the 24hr experience.

  • What do I need to do after the session & are there side effects?

    The EE-System is an ecologically & environmentally safe system. As far as the research shows the side-effects of the EE-System are positive: more energy, and deep relaxation.

    However, your body de-toxes and it could be that you feel the effects of that in a mild format. Should you experience any after effects that concern you, please consult a qualified medical practitioner and follow their advise.

    It is not likely that the EE-System causes such reactions, but in any case medical advise is necessary for all diagnosis & treatment. The EE-system is at no point a replacement for advise, diagnosis, and treatment by a qualified medical practitioner.

    Because of the de-tox effect, it is recommended to drink plenty of water afterwards to flush out toxins and to take a detox salt bath afterwards at home with 2 cups of baking soda and 2 cups of sea salt.

  • Is the EE-system available during consensual retreats?

    Immersing yourself in the EE-System is complimentary during our ConSensual retreats.

    The EE-System room (called Magic) is open during the second lunch hour during retreats for participants only. There is no obligation to use it, but we recommend to experience it.

    In addition, the whole house is de facto lit by the EE-System and sleeping at Casa LoJeMa is a different experience.

    We highly recommend you take a nap at least once during lunch break in Magic.

Icon for quote: Thought-provoking insights on ConSensual, highlighting the power of conscious connection, embodiment, and personal transformation.

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.

- Nicola Tesla -

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