Join us for a week that let's the ego die! Resurrect your soull essence! And transform your life into a divine power & surrender experience!
5-12 JULY 2025
4-11 JULY 2026
In a nutshell: this experience will challenge you to surrender fully and choose the life of your divine soul - die and re-birth to ever new expansion. Everyday!
Note: to participate in Pathway V & VI you have to have completed the journey I - IV.
Please find all available dates for
Pathway V+VI: Death & Soul Resurrection & Divine Power & Surrender on the booking calendar.
Price: €2750*
* accommodation, retreat food & Energy Enhancement System are included.
Retreat dates:
5-12 JULY 2025
4-11 JULY 2026
Navigate to the date you want on the calendar in the booking system.
Integration call:
Pathway V+VI July 2025: to be announced.
Pathway V+VI July 2026: to be announced.
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