

I began my journey as an academic, earning a doctorate in philosophy and working as an LGBTQI activist. Later, I directed large international NGOs for decades. Along the way, I trained as a medial coach, ICF-accredited management coach, and legal mediator, as well as shiatsu therapist and.... so much more. Learning continously is my passion and sometimes my pitfall :-)

A divine call led me to leave management and pursue my true path: healing through pleasure, consensual sexuality, and clear voyant spirituality. In my 40s, I overcame 30 years of depression by immersing myself in tantra and deep self-development. This journey birthed ConSensual and my original creation of tantric BDSI, a pioneering practice of conscious, consensual intimacy. And it birthed another life! A full and rich life of conscious relating to my Beloved Linde, and in the combination of our Human Designs we together are a channel for authentic healing and teachings powers.

As a proud trans man with a non-binary, pansexual nature, I bring a two spirit gift of nature, a unique blend of neuroscience, body focus, and spiritual faith to all I do. My personal experience as the 'father' of the queer BDSM scene in Berlin, combined with my own endless playing experience enriches my work. Yes I was a slave and a master, a drill sergeant and a devote sailor boy, a slut and an innocent lover.... test me on what I have not done :-)

I specialize in magical energy body work, helping individuals heal and expand through pleasure, body experiences, ropes, floggers, and energetic touch. I am passionate about unlocking the divine potential in each person and passionate about surrendering to Jesus myself.

Welcome to ConSensual, founded in 2020, the first school of body consent based tantric BDSI... and sooo much more.



In a previous life that feels like it is ages ago I was a criminologist and worked in many different organisations and companies. It is not me, so I stopped in 2018, due to health and because my soul was calling me in other directions. After a long path into Shamanism, self, development, and tantra I met my Beloved and joint Jonathan's soul creation of ConSensual. Mostly I co-facilitate all retreats and create the music program magically. I also share the work on talking to all those inquiring with us or needing after care, and support administration.

By training I am a shamanic practitioner and qualified body worker. I am in essence about love and relating in itself, in all of its expressions and forms, constructing my soul path along expansion of feeling. I see dispersion of light, love and relating as my actual day job.  In my tantric body and couple work I bring a unique blend of presence, breath work and sexual energy flow to allow you to fully fall into healing, rediscovering your light, and/or pleasure, being held in safety and – maybe for the first time in your life – feeling deeply loved and seen. Together with Jonathan I offer work on conscious relating and deep intimacy for couples, constellation, and individual body work/Sei-Ki.


A whole team of volunteers work in ConSensual dedicating their time, love, and immense professional skill to our retreats with unwavering loyalty. They are the ConSensual family. Each retreat is supported by 6-8 professionals. They also offer workshops in Casa LoJeMa or lead parts of our program at times. Some of them present themselves below, telling you more about what they do in and outside of ConSensual and how to reach them.


My true life started when I was 27 and felt compelled to leave behind what, seen from the outside, most people would call a middle class dream life. That life had been scripted for me by others since I was little, but it was never meant for me.I spent the 10 years that followed searching for my own truth and purpose in this universe. Of all that I emerged with the tools, knowledge and calling to be a guide for other souls who have wandered off, or are yet to find their own path. I have followed many tantric teachers over the years. Yet when I entered ConSensual and met Jonathan and Linde, I knew immediately that I had found my tantric home.

At my practice in North Belgium, I offer different flavours of Shibari rope sessions from energetic expansion to deep relaxation, tantra massages, de-armouring, trauma body work, inspirational life coaching and empowering masculinity coaching. In addition I teach Japanese and Western bondage and offer workshops for couples and singles on tantra, non-violent communication, relationship skills and more.

Jonathan describes me as the embodiment of full presence and that is what I offer to my customers: a constant, reassuring, loving and grounded presence - the feeling that somebody is there, who listens, feels and cares, and keeps them safe, no matter what happens.

If this resonates with you, feel free to check out my website and reach out to me: 

+32 499 35 31 60, sam[at],


I have always been an explorer. My journey has led me via plantmedicine to exploring Reiki, bodydearmouring, breathwork, deep deep consent work via the system of somatic consent and recently Tantric BDSI. Along the journey I have dived into non-duality, Taoism and been working as a Human Design coach for a number of years now. I have stepped away from calling myself a seeker of truth, because that implies that there is something to be found. Instead I try to live truth, to the best of my capabilities, and sometimes I utterly fail. 

I walk along with people on their path, if they ask me, be it as a coach, sharing from my own experiences and reflecting on their situation. Mostly I see myself as the one who throws pebbles in the water and watch the ripples appear and move outward, all by themselves.

I believe in the power of the Self, the capability of healing ourselves, with the right help and being open to live showing us the way, if we let it and notice the sign along the way. At the same time, I believe in the power of connection, and the importance of working together on healing ourselves, so that we all may grow.

Should you want to know more about me, or work with me, you can find me here: (dutch only for now). Feel welcome to reach out if you feel a resonance.


I completed the Pathway Journey in ConSensual in 2023 and joint the team right after that. I love to bring my medial and healer capacities to the team and the participants, as well as enjoying the continuing space of exploration for my capacity to be both in my power and in the deepest surrender. Let me captivate you during ConSensual retreats, enticing you into a world of divine exploration and sensual awakening.

My own brainchild is Goddess Creations, where I work as  a renowned spiritual coach, medium, and healer, offering a tantalising array of services, including intimate personal consultations, enchanting retreats, and playful coaching sessions, Goddess Creations invites you to drive deep into the realms of your soul. Explore the depths of your desires, uncover hidden truths, and ignite the flames of passion within. "We are all Creations of Goddess and everything we do is a Goddess Creation."

With my seductive expertise in various spiritual traditions and healing techniques, each encounter becomes a sacred dance of self-discovery and erotic empowerment. Embrace the seductive journey of spiritual awakening and sensual enlightenment at Goddess Creations today.




When I was younger, I was passionate about science and keen to discover how our bodies and plants functioned on a biochemical level. I have always studied and worked in exact sciences. After a first burnout when I was 35, the last minute prevention of a second one and the diagnosis of ADD (at the age of 38), I finally discovered my true talent is not thinking, but FEELING!

I started taking massage courses because I felt a deep need for physical contact. What I didn't expect is that I could enjoy giving massages so much. First off I studied meridian massage, lateron I discovered Hawaiian body work: the Lomi-lomi massage. A revelation. I learned to feel more pure and deeply energetically, also with master classes in bone washing and joint mobilizations. Aferwards I deepened my knowledge of bodywork and delved into PSOAS massage, the muscle of the soul and the Gaia method (soft touch de-armouring).

March 2022 I entered my first tantra retreat ever @consensual. Deep dive immediatly. I’ve experienced countless ego deaths and deep transformations in the sacred space of the Consensual temple. It felt like a coming home. I love the depth and safe pressure-cooker container it provides for deep transformation in anyone who is prepared to walk this pathway.

If you are called to entrust yourself to my touch check out my website or follow me on FB or Instagram.   Facebookpage: Bij Fien  Instagram: @Bij Fien



Ever since I was sixteen, I was in and out of therapy and couldn’t seem to find what I was looking for: safety in my body. It wasn’t until Consensual that I discovered the depths of my body, my abilities to feel (so very deeply!) and my love for helping people heal themselves.

I currently study Primal Rebirth Therapy (PRT), including lots of inner child work, and contribute insights from this and my own path during ConSensual Retreats. It is a pleasure to use those tools within Consensual and helping others find safety and pleasure within themselves as well.

I hope to see you in the field! My contacts are: laura[at]




Hi everyone,

I'm Paul, and I'd like to share a bit about myself and what I bring to the table. In 2022, I completed the Pathways program. Now, I'm part of the team, and my aim is to guide you through your process. My expertise lies in inner child work and addressing early attachment traumas. Additionally, I have experience in shiatsu and Thai massage, along with a background in martial arts. This enables me to create a safe space for you to navigate emotions like suppressed anger or fear in a healthy way.

You could say that I offer a blend of gentle, attuned touch and a powerful dose of healthy masculinity.

You'll often find me at Consensual, accompanied by my girlfriend Laura. She's a beacon of light, and together, with your consent, we strive to facilitate healthy bonding with both the masculine and feminine aspects.

See you soon at ConSensual and maybe you are also ready to explore the beautiful challenge of a Primal Quest with me

If you want to want to find out more go to my website or reach out to me per phone +31617238902


When Paul Salverda, another team member, told me about ConSensual in 2021, I knew right away this was the place for me. When I drove home in my car in December 2021, I made love to my steering wheel. I had so much soft energy inside of me, I was truly amazed. After that first weekend I signed up to be an assistant and had an amazing year with Jonathan and the team!

Being a tantra facilitator myself, I love working with Tantric BDSI. I think it is the most beautiful way of personal development. You learn a lot about yourself in just one day when you find yourself working with submission and dominance. The tantric way of doing this, completely going into delay, surrender and being fully present and conscious, is what makes it so beautiful. I love to facilitate opening up about our intimate desires and taking away taboos around it. I’m looking forward to my second year as a ConSensual assistant, working alongside Jonathan and Linde and the other assistants, and feeling my juiciness and soft feminine power in this line of work.

If you want to know something about me, visite my dutch website Paul and I are very inspired by Jonathan’s work and organise our own weekends in the Netherlands about Conscious Power Exchange. If you would like to talk or share something about what Tantric BDSI does for you, or can do for you, I’m always open to talk about that. Feel free to contact me. Love Bien


I love to tell you about my journey with BDSI and ConSensual!
It all started when I did a practice with Jonathan, and he told me, “Darling, you are a natural Dom.” That literally blew my mind and some beliefs about myself. I was hooked and wanted to learn more! I had been studying Tantra for a few years, but this was a whole other cookie!

In the following years, I had the incredible opportunity to assist at Jonathan’s retreats. I uncovered and healed parts of myself I never knew existed, while supporting the profound transformations of participants. I love to be on the team to support the proces of participants, the team and the energy of the Temple that Jonathan and Linde created so beautifully at Casa LoJeMa!

My passion for personal growth and spirituality has driven me to undergo extensive training over the past 18 years in yoga, massage, spirituality, NLP, coaching, shamanism and energy work. Twelve years ago, I was captivated by Tantra, and more recently, I’ve explored trauma awareness, de-armouring, The Wheel of Consent, inner child work, and the Polyvagal Theory. This has made me feel alive, free, and deeply in love with life again!

People often describe me as having a gentle yet powerful energy, with a creative enthusiasm that invites you to go beyond your comfort zone in a safe way. There is a sense of safety and trust to open up to uncharted inner territory, knowing that they are held in whatever arises.

In my practice I offer holistic bodywork, embodiment, and intimacy coaching. I love to facilitate individuals and couples in discovering greater aliveness, freedom, and connection to their true Self. My mission is to help people reconnect with their body’s wisdom and empowerment. Support them to embrace self-love, self-awareness, and self-worth.
To learn more, you can visit my website at or connect with me on Instagram (@Laya_inner_alchemy) or Facebook (Laya Leonie).
Much Love!


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