
Tantric BDSI

My greatest moments of fun in life are usually those when people ask what I really do: I run a school and temple of tantric BDSI. “What? You teach sex and violence?’ ---- No Mister I do not! And YES SIR, I love it!

And here the real answer I give: I teach deep embodied consent, healing, coming into your power, embodying love, and pleasure flights that put your brain into waves which lets you see the divine in you and others. In short it is about locking the moment of Oneness and Consciousness (the divine power) into our body system, so we stay in it as much of the day as we can. ConSensual is a deeply spiritual pathway with and via body states that are blissful. AND yes it is all about the greatest gift of the divine to human kind: sexual (kundalini) life force energy, the capacity of true intimacy with yourself and others (also commonly called LOVE) and the power to stand our ground and surrender to life. Yup, and I do that in consecrated, radically consensual spaces playing with sacred tools and frankly simply putting fun, innocence, kink, laughter, toys, play and pleasure into the serious business of embodiment, expansion of consciousness, trauma healing, and self-development. Why not embody fun and pleasure, leading a more inspired life of joy and really filling your cup to the brim – every day?

But be not mistaken: it is not about feeling better all the time. If you want to understand spiritual orgasmic states, you need to understand and feel your pain fully, your boredom, your security mechanisms, your boundaries. We come to Oneness via uniting polarities, it needs both sides. So ConSensual is not about making you feel better, it is about accompanying you on a pathway that makes you radically better at feeling, and with that healing and subsequently expanding yourself. 

So what is Tantra? Tantric arts show people the way towards a rich and fulfilled life, towards the experience of divine bliss that is available to ALL of us, not just the selected few and not just for a short period of time. It is a form of meditative state that circulates sexual energy putting your brain into A-wave and complete presence here and now (the only moment the human body unites with the unity of divine consciousness). This is the only natural biological state in which our brain security system is quiet and through body bliss states we can travel and see or better feel our actual state of complete presence and divine nature (and that of everybody else, no matter what they look like or seem to be on the outside). The practice aims to enlarge your container to circulate more energy. Our bodies are always right, it is us who overstep, do not listen, contract our heart, and commit the “sin” of body negativity. Tantric practice teaches you to stay in high energy states and not go for quick fix gratification that throws the energy out of your body. Become and stay orgasmic in the whole body, rather than be driven by stuckness in the lower body. So in a nutshell, the form of Tantra we invoke at ConSensual is a deep meditation, a holy communion and a dance with the force of creation. 

And what the heck has this got to do with BDSI? First of all I personally made up the acronym (and was the very first to ever do so). It means Bondage, Dominance, Submission, and Impact Play. It is sacred temple kink, with an utterly deep spiritual meaning. BDSI practices multiply the ability to stir the energy and make it flow, the tantric approach makes sure we get to circulate it all the way up into the heart, throat, third eye and crown chakra. Every implement and form of play has multiple potentials: from self-love dance to shamanic drummed heart chakra opening, floggers are soft, caressing and immensely powerful energetic transmitters of love and presence. Roping (bondage) is the pinnacle of playing a body like a harp without ever touching the skin, holding in presence so that another might expand into restriction and fall into the deepest sense of care taking as we only know from being in mother’s womb. Consent – well actually even discovering whether you can feel enough of your body wisdom to find out what your consent is – and body-heart led negotiation are essential practice fields of Tantric BDSI; fully understanding your power center for standing up for yourself and taking your place as well as actually getting what it means to surrender control and be led by the energy of sheer life itself are some of the most mind blowing potentials. And authentically embodying your own eroticism and every last inch of any hidden fantasy is nothing short of a miracle. And just to say it again: this is utterly serious business of transformation, self-development, healing, spirituality and falling into your authentic true self – so expect a sh…load of processes to happen. Yet, we believe that you may also have it with ease, fun, laughter, bliss and play if you do it in the sacredness of your own temple. 

With Love

And another way of describing what happens on the ConSensual Pathway:

Consensual and tantric BDSI is a gift in my life, a gift I gave myself by signing up for the initiation October 2021. And every pathway that followed has been a gift that keeps on giving.

It gives me the gift of true deep meaningful expansion into depths I didn’t even know I have in me and it continues every step I make in every retreat I am in. From being scared and insecure, keeping myself small, staying hidden in a corner, I grew into a self-aware confident woman who speaks and shows up with my soul path. This is what ConSensual is about and what it can mean in your life too.

It gives me the gift of boundaries, getting to know them, actually feeling them inside and outside my body and most important of all: learning to work with them, setting them, talking about them and when necessary even defending them when being crossed, all from a place of love and taking care of myself and the others around me. This has brought me safety in my body and it is only from there that true embodied expansion is possible.

ConSensual gives me the gift of integration and healing. When safety is felt and boundaries are clear and respected old wounds, trauma and armor can surface, vulnerability shows its big power to help integrate what was hidden in the shadow and is now gently, with a lot of love, brought into the light where it can be felt in full presence.

ConSensual gives me the gift of deeply surrendering into full presence. This full presence brings me to the power of dominance where I can take charge of my life, make decisions, in fact make life happen while at the same time surrendering to the flow of life, the inner voice calling me to follow my true soul path.

ConSensual gives me the gift of discovering and expanding my spiritual, energetic body and being. Opening up to the higher infinite wisdom guiding and leading me to the best version of myself. Honoring the deep longing of my soul, embodying my temple physically and energetically where love as life force and as pleasure force can run through making human experiences into divine connection.

If you feel like you want to give yourself a gift in life where anything is possible join us and experience yourself what Consensual and the retreats can do for you, your loved ones and your life because it is a life changing adventure if you are ready to embark on it.

With love Linde


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