Pathway IV, the pinnacle of the Pathway Journey, elevates your experience by moving orgasmic states into your throat, third eye, and crown chakras. Discover your whole energy body system, unique to you, and your 'holy spirit within', as your body becomes the vessel of wisdom, inner authority, and energy. Balance your authentic pleasure expression and embark on a journey to the divine nature of intimacy, creating Oneness from polarity.
Why Come to Pathway IV?
What You'll Experience:
After Pathway IV, your body and spirit will be transformed. This life-changing experience will leave you with a profound connection to the divine (whatever that means for you) and a deeper understanding of your unique spirituality. Join us and elevate your journey to divine embodiment.
24 to 27 April 2025 & 15 to 18 May 2025
16 to 19 April 2026 & 14 to 17 May 2026
Please navigate to the date you wish for on the bookind calendar. Integration Calls are usually on the Wednesday 10 days after the retreat.
1200,- Euros including accommodation, EE-Session, integration call. Meals paid extra at the venue (130,- Euros ).
Pathway II - IV Retreats start on a Thursday morning 09:45 (arrival latest at 8 am, you may come Wed evening already) and end on Sunday around 17:00.
You will receive all necessary information on location, accommodation, food and what to bring about 2 weeks ahead of the event.. ConSensual retreats are held in Casa LoJeMa (near Leuven), a beautiful 1000 spuare meter old farm, easily accessible by public transport and with a big parking. A close park and beautiful nature invites for walks during breaks. We have simple, yet nicely designed accommodation for 24 participants in shared accomodation (included in retreat price). If you want to stay somewhere else during the retreat you need to let us know on the registration form (no refund on accommodation)!