
Pathway IV into Embodying Divine Spirit

Pathway IV, the pinnacle of the Pathway Journey, elevates your experience by moving orgasmic states into your throat, third eye, and crown chakras. Discover your whole energy body system, unique to you, and your 'holy spirit within', as your body becomes the vessel of wisdom, inner authority, and energy. Balance your authentic pleasure expression and embark on a journey to the divine nature of intimacy, creating Oneness from polarity.

Why Come to Pathway IV?

  • Connect to your inner Divine: Reach blissful states in the 6th and 7th chakras, and embody your inner temple, journeying to self-love.
  • Energetic Expansion: Discover the vastness of your kundalini, expand your body’s energy capacity, and the power of energetic touch.
  • Understanding the power of Adoration: Find your inner temple,heal what is still stuck in your genitals, and allow divine expression through Darshan practices

What You'll Experience:

  • Two intense rituals: A Kundalini Snake Dance and a holy ritual of Adoration, practicing Darshan (the art of gazing and being seen).
  • Energetic Genitals: Experience the power of energetic engagement and a new dimension of pleasure flights.
  • Tantric BDSI: Engage in tantric BDSI practices, this time exploring spirituality through pleasure.

After Pathway IV, your body and spirit will be transformed. This life-changing experience will leave you with a profound connection to the divine (whatever that means for you) and a deeper understanding of your unique spirituality. Join us and elevate your journey to divine embodiment.


24 to 27 April 2025 & 15 to 18 May 2025

16 to 19 April 2026 & 14 to 17 May 2026

Please navigate to the date you wish for on the bookind calendar. Integration Calls are usually on the Wednesday 10 days after the retreat.


1200,- Euros including accommodation, EE-Session, integration call. Meals paid extra at the venue (130,- Euros ).

Pathway II - IV  Retreats start on a Thursday morning 09:45 (arrival latest at 8 am, you may come Wed evening already) and end on Sunday around 17:00.

You will receive all necessary information on location, accommodation, food and what to bring about 2 weeks ahead of the event.. ConSensual retreats are held in Casa LoJeMa (near Leuven), a beautiful 1000 spuare meter old farm, easily accessible by public transport and with a big parking. A close park and beautiful nature invites for walks during breaks. We have simple, yet nicely designed accommodation for 24 participants in shared accomodation (included in retreat price). If you want to stay somewhere else during the retreat you need to let us know on the registration form (no refund on accommodation)!

  • Testimonials: Pathway into Embodying Divine Spirit

    Pathway IV was a very special and transformational 4-day retreat. What stayed with me the most and gave a 180 turn in my relationship towards lingams, was experiencing my own energetic lingam. I cannot say in words what I have experienced, what power and radiant beauty. I really needed this experience as a woman to be able to truly admire the lingam in all its sacredness. Deep healing took place and I could ask for forgiveness for how I have treated my partner and his lingam in the past. This moment I will never forget. You are both the top in the tantric world.

  • Testimonials: Pathway into Embodying Divine Spirit

    I loved most my ability to hold myself in a very loving energetic field that allowed me to choose another way of being, going through my pain and figuring out how to access higher vibrations. The Energy Enhancement System, the space holding and the team were the perfect combination for that!

  • Testimonials: Pathway into Embodying Divine Spirit

    'This retreat brought me more presence in general and certainly more presence in my body. The worship of the God and Goddess was mind blowing. This should actually be taught to people latest when they get married or live together.'

  • Testimonials: Pathway into Embodying Divine Spirit

    This pathway was a deep dive into the soul, the body, the spirit and the emotional. I dived deeper into loving myself. Jonathan and Linde and the team are leading with so much care, wisdom and incredible space holding. The Pathways were at times confronting and yet I always felt safe. 

  • Testimonials: Pathway into Embodying Divine Spirit

    It is so beautiful that you are through the team or directly so aware and involved in everyone’s personal process and although you are the facilitators you are part of the group. There is a lot of transformation power in the retreat and the music is perfectly attuned to it. I loved most getting in touch with the Goddess in me, free myself from shame, dispossession feelings and trauma and enjoying and fully playing.

  • Testimonials: Pathway into Embodying Divine Spirit

    If you feel lost, confused, unloved or alone, here is a beautiful temple space that embraces all, filled with participants and team which resonates, understands and respects you.

  • Testimonials: Pathway into Embodying Divine Spirit

    I loved most the sacredness of our sexuality, to see through the exercises how this sexual life energy is a manifestation of the divine in us. Being able to see, live the divine in all of my sides, shadows and hidden spots.

  • Testimonials: Pathway into Embodying Divine Spirit

    In this retreat it became very clear for me that my path into the divine starts by going very very very deep into mother earth. From there I get information to rise like a volcano to connect to the spirit world. I am so grateful that the spiritual part is very important to Jonathan and Linde and that you use it as a tool. I love that this place is in nature to this kind of work.

  • Testimonials: Pathway into Embodying Divine Spirit

    'The Pathway into Embodying Divine spirit really opened up a way into the light for me that I didn’t know existed. I am leaving knowing I have a choice which path to take in life and how to find the way to love and light'.

  • Testimonials: Pathway into Embodying Divine Spirit

    So soft, so sensual, so sacred, I love the design of the 4th pathway the best and this time the integration songs went very deep…Integrating the divine essence into adoration, self-exploration, even the way you engage in kinky play. The Pathway IV opened doors to deep levels of understanding for me: more understanding about my own essence, about how to enlarge my container for allowing and enjoying kundalini energy, a big suitcase of practical exercises. Being seen and seeing others in their beauty is a really touching and grounding experience.

  • Testimonials: Pathway into Embodying Divine Spirit

    Coming from a strict dogmatic Christian background, the pathway provided me the insight, tools and experiences to integrate my sexuality and upbringing into a loving acceptance of all that I am. No more denial or abandonment of the parts and longings that are not acceptable in church and the general population. Big thanks to Linde and Jonathan for this precious pathway into real freedom.

  • Testimonials: Pathway into Embodying Divine Spirit

    Pathway IV was a beautiful step after Pathway I, II and III. I feel now much more free to play or live all these different energies (dom, sub,…) without shame, without being judged. The Pathways give a safe container to do this. Now I can practice this in my daily life, living my trueself more and more, feeling alive more and more. Thanks!

  • Testimonials: Pathway into Embodying Divine Spirit

    In Pathway IV all the pathways fall into place and I found a new dimension to yoni and lingam worshipping.

  • Testimonials: Pathway into Embodying Divine Spirit

    I was positively challenged by the full surrendering that was required to access the devine. I will keep a beautiful memory of the moment I was able to dive and swim freely in it.

  • Testimonials: Pathway into Embodying Divine Spirit

    Great inspiring and honest teaching. The build-up in the third day gave me my big breakthrough in combination with the music that is very beautiful and powerful. 

  • Testimonials: Pathway into Embodying Divine Spirit

    I love the creation of safety and integrity. The way of experiencing through the body is really like coming home for me.

  • Testimonials: Pathway into Embodying Divine Spirit

    Pathway IV helped me to expand and to explore sides of me I would not easily access on my own (or could not access) without support and encouragement. Jonathan and Linde have a very devoted unique style of transmitting what they have learned, live and gathered themselves with a willingness to show themselves.

  • Testimonials: Pathway into Embodying Divine Spirit

    The safety and spiritual/divine element of this Pathway allowed me to overcome limitations and really open up to higher experiences. Linde and Jonathan are powerful facilitators that come from first hand experiences and love.


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