
Embody your Temple - Introduction

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What is Tantra and Tantric...

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School and Temple of Embodiment, Healing, Power, Surrender and Spirituality. Practice Conscious, Consensual Sensuality!

Welcome to ConSensual, where Linde and Jonathan embrace you with open hearts and arms.

Our retreat center, Casa LoJeMa, features the Energy Enhancement System (EE-System), a scalar wave room designed for deep relaxation, rejuvenation, and integration of body, mind, and soul. For more information on the EE-System's healing effects, visit Casa LoJeMa and Q3T at All our retreats include an experience in the EE-System, enhancing your sleep and speed of processing.

Jonathan, the founder of ConSensual, created tantric BDSI after a rich journey through a PhD, NGO directorships, and 20 years of expertise in coaching, energy bodywork, mediation, Shiatsu, Shamanism, channeling, tantra, and queer BDSM. Linde, who joined in 2022, brings a deep shamanic touch and divine musical design. Together, we opened Casa LoJeMa in 2024, integrating the Energy Enhancement Healing Center.

Our lives have been transformed by the profound wisdom of tantric practice, focusing on conscious spiritual engagement and full embodiment. At Casa LoJeMa, we live a tantric and spiritual life - every day. We emphasize conscious relating and deep intimacy, continually training our bodies to experience pleasure and listen to higher callings.

Are you ready to expand your soul, harness more life force energy, and create deep somatic safety? Do you seek greater intimacy and authentic connection? Are you prepared to heal past traumas for true expansion and blissful embodiment? Join us in our consecrated temple space to explore conscious, consent-based sensuality. We’ll guide you to embody the sacred temple within, enabling profound connections with yourself, your partner, and the divine.

Our offerings include an 4 step Pathway Journey with Tantric BDSIConSensual Temple nights with workshops, individual Body Work or Shiatsu, Constellation, and Medial/Coaching, as well as intimacy and connection sessions for couples.

We welcome all bodies, specifically also non-binary, trans, intersex, and queer individuals.

Sign up to the newsletter and join us on FB in the ConSensual - Embody Your Temple Group.

Special Benefits of the Pathway Journey:

  • Deep, Spiritual Guidance: Experience unparalleled depth and presence, with heartfelt, spirited facilitaton that profoundly transforms your energy, emotions, and life. And an unparralled specific music design for every program part.

  • Intimate Group Setting: Our groups are capped at max 24 participants, supported by 6-9 highly skilled assistants, ensuring personalized attention with a 1:2-3 care ratio.

  • Sequential Retreats: Carefully designed retreats build on each other over six months, offering a uniquely deep and transformative journey.

  • Complimentary Accommodation: Enjoy free lodging at Casa LoJeMa (as of Pathway II from the night before).

  • Energy Enhancement System: Benefit from a scientifically proven scalar wave environment that enhances relaxation, cellular rejuvenation, and spiritual integration. A session in the EE-System is included in your package (valued at €120).

  • Priority and Savings: Secure your place on your chosen dates with priority for full journey participants. Save significantly with reduced package prices: €400 off Pathway Journey Package I-IV and €300 off Pathway Journey Package II-IV.

  • Free Integration Calls: Join free post-retreat integration group calls on Zoom for continued support.

  • Deep Connections: Journey with familiar participants, fostering deeper interactions and relationships.

Pathway I: 3-6 Oct 24; 12- 15 June 25; 16 - 19 Oct 25

First round  Pathway Journey 24/25 (21-24 Nov 24 PII; 13 to 16 Feb PIII; 24 to 27 April 25 PIV).

Second round Pathway Journey 2025 (9-12 Jan PII; 25 20-23 March PIII; 15-18 May 25 PIV)





We are proud to be part of the teaching team of the NL Tantra Festival Awaken as Love from 21 - 25 August 2024.
Jonathan will be part
of the team of body workers and we will together give two workshops: 'The art of tantric all gender embodiment' (deeply discovering the Oneness in all our bodies and our energetic genitals) and 'Love, surrender, and ropes' (learning the music, tact, and ecstatic rhythm of a 7 chakra rope connection on the body). You can still register using the code "Jonathan10" and get a discount. There are also still places on the assisting teams.

New interview: Can we Heal Trauma with Conscious BDSM?

Open interview in external window.



  • I am so grateful I dived into these pathways. Each one of them have held one of the most profound experiences of my life. From facing and going into the deepest darkness of true ego death to the highest realms of ecstacy, power and bliss.
    Thank you so much Jonathan & the A-BDSI-Team to create this pressure-cooker-safe-space where all these processes get to happen in a safe non-judgemental atmosphere.
    Aho, I bow before all of you Goddesses & Gods ? ? ? ?

  • How Jonathan and Linde put their mind body and soul into this work is simply awe-inspiring. There are tantra retreats and there are the Consensual retreats of Jonathan, that are in a class of their own in all positive meanings of the expression. The unique marriage of tantra and BDSI being taught at Consensual is simply put ground breaking for a whole new and different approach to sexuality and spirituality.

    Sam A
  • I did all the pathways in a row, never expected that it will be bring me so much and that I would have grown this way. It makes me feel more secure about myself, my sexuality and my kundalini energy in general. I am so grateful that Jonathan and Linde’s work has come into my life, for me it feels like home to be part of this family. So much love.

  • My journey through Pathway I-V: I felt so welcome, there was a lot of processing, yet this Journey is not about pain, technics or tools, it is a SAFE playground for emotions, feelings, desires that are ‘difficult’ to show to the outside world. After I did all the retreats, I am showing them more in the ‘real’ world. I am not done yet and I will join you next year again!

  • This Pathway Journey will change your life forever, there is no way back J

  • This journey of Pathways was so eye-opening in so many ways. Jonathan, Linde and the team are amazing and caring, creating this wondrous space of safe exploration in digestible bits, where everybody can feel heartfelt welcome, regardless of their gender, orientation or relationship status. The retreats are super approachable for people with zero experience in tantra but also for new dimensions for sensual practitioners, thanks to Jonathan’s unique vision and tools of BDSI.  ❣️

  • I went through all the Pathways and I find it a deep fulfilling journey and very naturally flowing from one pathway to the next. They are carefully designed to really bring our spiritual and shadow parts into union through experiencing all shades of our sexual nature. I feel very grateful for it is a deeply healing expansive journey, really a path a recommend for everyone on the tantric path who seeks transformation through working with the body.

  • During this journey I learned to step into my power! I started feeling very vulnerable and powerless. Today I can state my boundaries and I know they will be respected because I am worth to be respected. It gave me the gift of being in true connection with others, showing myself and being powerful in my vulnerability.

  • The Pathway I to IV, as designed by Jonathan, provided me with a deep insight in how I relate to myself, my partner and the world around me. The phased build-up of practices and experiences during the events helped me expand in conscious relating, exercising power and control in both personal and business situations and maintain my presence in challenging settings and environments. Above that it made me a better friend and lover as I could finally grasp and embody a lot of tantric and energetic principals heart over the past years.

  • It is a whole Journey; all retreats are connected to each other and it will make sense in the end. The facilitators have everyone in mind and the depth in how they do this following the divine is beyond. It’s really an example of how the lead from “above” with their whole heart in it.

  • What a Journey and Experience… Loooooord! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 Experiencing full dominance and the devotion that can come with submission lead me to a complete new dimension, a new way to evolution.

  • This is a unique pathway journey, to become more yourself, a loving child of the universe, a human on this earth that is and caries the divine in oneself…the facilitators do this in a very unique way guided from divine transmission. Deep deep thank you! 

  • Past the stories, issues, fears, shame…in 9 months’ time to liberation, I danced, played, laughed, got healed, freed the Goddess in me, the Goddess that already was there but was afraid to show herself. Every woman and every person should follow this Journey of Pathways en be part of this amazing family. Deep respect for every part in us is what connect us to each other. Very powerful experience.  ✨

  • Wow ♥️ what a sensual journey into our soul’s depth . It's so great how working with the right tools and the right people can change our reality and our well-being. I deeply support and appreciate what you do for the world and I am grateful that your assistants also have opportunities to develop with you. What an emotional path, caring and empathy what you offer us .Thank you for the opportunity to be a witness of this bliss, the deep changes of participants that fill my heart with light and love ♥️.

  • Wow what a ride! My life has literally changed since I set foot on the first Pathway. I have to discover and acknowledge the full spectrum of my sexuality permitting myself to live my shadows. My “No” has become stronger or rather I have become stronger in standing in for myself. This is such important work and I feel honoured to have been able to receive this healing and expanding support. A full recommendation to anyone willing to look at his/her own shadows.

  • 6 Months ago, I would never have thought I would live this experience but meeting the right person on the right time and her “soft” pushing me into this pathway journey was the best thing ever in my life. So I started PI, just to see, but it changed my life completely! New job, new energy, new friends, new insights but mostly a new me. Allowing this to happen could only be possible by following all the pathways. The pathways are so built that step by step (yet in an intense way) I could become the new version of who I am. Thank you so much for bringing this into the world. Love



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