
Pathway I: The Art and Dance of Pleasure and Play

Join us for a transformative experience like no other, where profound personal growth and spiritual awakening await.

Embark on our first pathway, an initiation into the magical secrets of tantric BDSI (Bondage, Dominance, Surrender, Impact Play). This is a true art and dance, inviting you to illuminate every part of yourself, embrace your fantasies, and shed unhelpful prohibitions. The Art and Dance of Pleasure and Play offers a sacred, shamanic, spiritual, and deliciously inviting space.

  • Fully tap into the erotic mystery of “flight energy”: pleasure, joy, and heart expansion through playful exploration
  • Rediscover innocence in your play,
  • Uncover your unique expression of kink, and explore sacred practices and tools.
  • Deepen your understanding of consent and learn what needs to be cleared for you to feel your body’s wisdom and agreement.
  • Experience the empowerment of anchoring your dominance and surrendering to life’s calling.
  • Discover the healing power of sexual energy, consent work, heart releases, and bodywork to create somatic safety in your body.

With Pathway I you begin a transformative 3D and 5D Pathway Journey of embodiment and integration. Expand your energy bodies, enhance your ability to feel and sense, and awaken the divine spirit within you and others. Ignite your life force energy, uncover your soul essence, and explore your shamanic gifts in a deeply consecrated and loving space. The Energy Enhancement System at Casa LoJeMa creates a completely non-toxic, healthy environment for profound sleep and integration. We emphasize experiential learning and integration, with loving support for your healing journey. Bring your personal experience in tantra or self-development and an open heart to explore the sacred tools and implements of tantric BDSI during this initiation.

Please see info below on Pathway I, Casa LoJeMa and dates!

Special Benefits of the Pathway Journey:

  • Deep, Spiritual Guidance: Experience unparalleled depth and presence, with heartfelt, spirited facilitaton that profoundly transforms your energy, emotions, and life. And an unparralled specific music design for every program part.

  • Intimate Group Setting: Our groups are capped at max 24 participants, supported by 6-9 highly skilled assistants, ensuring personalized attention with a 1:2-3 care ratio.

  • Sequential Retreats: Carefully designed retreats build on each other over six months, offering a uniquely deep and transformative journey.

  • Complimentary Accommodation: Enjoy free lodging at Casa LoJeMa (as of Pathway II from the night before).

  • Energy Enhancement System: Benefit from a scientifically proven scalar wave environment that enhances relaxation, cellular rejuvenation, and spiritual integration. A session in the EE-System is included in your package (valued at €120).

  • Priority and Savings: Secure your place on your chosen dates with priority for full journey participants. Save significantly with reduced package prices: €400 off Pathway Journey Package I-IV and €300 off Pathway Journey Package II-IV.

  • Free Integration Calls: Join free post-retreat integration group calls on Zoom for continued support.

  • Deep Connections: Journey with familiar participants, fostering deeper interactions and relationships.


A glimpse into our retreats

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12th to 15th June 2025 (navigate to date on the calendar in the system). Integration call probably 25/06.


16th to 19th October 2025 (navigate to the date on the calendar in the system). Integration call 05/11.



Pathway I is 900,- Euros including breaks and accommodation. Meals are paid extra at the venue (95,-).

Pathway I  retreats start on a Thursday evening 19:00 (arrival latest 18:00) and end on Sunday around 17:00.

You will receive all necessary information on location, accommodation, food and what to bring about 2 weeks ahead of the event.. ConSensual retreats are held in Casa LoJeMa (near Leuven), a beautiful 1000 spuare meter old farm, easily accessible by public transport and with a big parking. A close park and beautiful nature invites for walks during breaks. We have simple, yet nicely designed accommodation for 24 participants in shared accomodation (included in retreat price). If you want to stay somewhere else during the retreat you need to let us know on the registration form (no refund on accommodation)!

Already decided to journey fully? 

Register with a 400,-  discount on Package Pathway I - IV or with 300,- Euros discount on the Package Pathway II - IV.

Please note: below is the link to buying the two journey packages with the reduced price. Please immediately after that book the retreat dates you want to be on. If you do not book them right away your place on a particular retreat is not guaranteed. You can choose the first or second round to stay in one group or adjust to the dates most convenient to you.

First round  Pathway Journey 24/25 (21-24 Nov 24 PII; 13 to 16 Feb PIII; 24 to 27 April 25 PIV).

Second round Pathway Journey 2025 (9-12 Jan PII; 25 20-23 March PIII; 15-18 May 25 PIV)





  • I so love Jonathan and Linde! Their love and connection is so perfect. I loved them at first sight and know I wanted more. This Pathway I was fun, insightful, deep and liberating. I look forward to doing, being at Pathways II, III and IV. The safe, very safe easy open bubble is wonderful to be able to relax and come into process and release. Much love and gratitude.

  • This retreat was an eye opener. It showed parts of me that were hidden or surpressed since long. It showed me that BDSI is not about some weird seeking for pain from trauma or disorder, but is a true expression of love and surrender in one's own essence, and a way of healing of both giver and receiver.

  • I’ve touched shadows and parts of me I knew are there. Parts so strong, so dark, so intense and so beautiful. So powerful it is scary to let them out. They are alive in me. I carry them, cherish them. I will gently inquire into them and ask what they need. I welcome them with open arms, curiosity, to fully live. Who am I?

  • 'It was an amazing and wonderful weekend for me!!! I felt real jummie and amazing pleasure for the first time in my life. And it was soooo amazing. I can still feel it in my body. Ŕrrrrrrrr.

    And I had so much fun too!! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!'

  • This is shaking the collective to its core. Healing all trauma into the divine, finally experiencing Human Beings, men and women, enjoying their own divinity embodied beyond what words can express. Respecting and honouring all and everything. Thank you so much for the amazing music as well. Big big hug and love.

  • Pathway I is a real deep dive and the work you do is very transformational. Jonathan and Linde (and the whole team) are one of the best facilitators I’ve had so far. They really can hold space for every situation that comes up. Every being and everyone is welcome and they embody that. I loved most the sacred and ritual character of the program which makes it very healing and transformational.

  • Jonathan and Linde created a safe space and a structure to dive deep into my desires, my resistance and to look deeper into myself. I have seen deep transformations, beautiful openings. I have seen people truly in their deepest self. A testimony of the presence Linde and Jonathan bring to the space.

  • I felt so safe to explore and dive deep into sexuality. Jonathan facilitates in a brilliant way full of unconditional love together with Linde and the whole team who made it a playful pleasure exploration where everything is welcome and possible.  Thank you so much. Love to you!

  • This Pathway I into The Art and Dance of Pleasure and Play: A transmission of beautiful energy…showing the ways…taking us to a new level. You two did exact that: live it! My cup is filled with Vibrant Energy & Love! My heart is opened, I feel connected to the source.

  • I have been doing tantra for almost 6 years now and have been to many workshops, retreats and individual sessions but nothing comes close to what I have experienced at the Pathway I  retreat with Jonathan and Linde.  I have been in quite a negative energy for several years, feeling blocked, my mind foggy, a certain lethargy and so on.  When I arrived at the retreat I carried this energy with me and felt frustrated and unable to connect with my body and feelings for about the first day.  Then I was invited to volunteer for the heart chakra opening showcase which was an incredibly intense and unique experience.  It did exactly what the name says: my heart was opened, I could connect with myself again and energy started flowing.  From then on my experience was quite different.  At the end of the weekend I felt like all the heaviness and brain fog had been lifted.  The days after I could notice big changes in my daily life.  I felt more energetic again, taking action, feeling motivated, no more worries, more resilience and much more.  I haven't felt like this in years and two weeks after the retreat it hasn't changed whereas with other retreats the effect kind of withers away after a couple of days. Needless to say that I registered for the entire pathways journey without hesitation.  Thank you Jonathan, Linde and team for making this possible!

  • Consensual was a mind & body shifting retreat. It is completely different then the retreats I did before because the sensuality part is so strong. It puts a big light on old patterns which I can handle in daily life but during the retreat these old patterns became so visible and sensitive; fully in the sweet spot and no possibility to flee or to freeze. I got fully into it: into my shame, vulnerability, feeling of rejection, being fully present and I got through it. I had quite some judgments about other people and especially about myself which became reframed during this retreat.At some moments I had that great feeling of being completely “free”.' Jonathan, thank you for your surrender and following your path. I am very grateful that I met you and you are in my heart. My wish is that a lot of people will open up for your pathways to discover the magic of life which you show us by letting us experience ConSensual. And also thanks for the team who is beside you ❣️

  • My whole body feels so alive, and also my yoni, wow. I love it. Haven't felt this sexual energy for a while. I feel more free and more me. And still so much to discover. I am sure that we will meet again. Ooh and those ropes!! Big big smile on my face. This is amazing, I am still enjoying it and also want more of this. These great people together, playing, exploring, being free, in a loving space, where all is welcome. That's how I want to live life!

  • Safe and sacred space, outstanding space holding, lots of joy and play, deep healings (for others) and great to be part of that. Love the focus on the energetic part in all of this also as the starting point of the exercises. Thank you all! Love

  • It took a little getting used to as this retreat is quite out of the box but I experienced this as a unique space were all dark and light, trauma and desires, sexual and Devine energy are welcomed hold in a lot of wisdom, love and compassion by excellent very skilled professionals & devoted team. All normal, abnormal, freaks, dragons, angels human and non-human beings are so very welcomed in this healing temple with the intention to bring light & love &openness to all pain & life in general.

  • Amazing how fast this retreat past and how complete the program felt. In this short time I felt so safe with the authenticity, expansion, 200 % presence and space holding of Jonathan, Linde and the angel assistants. This was the setting of allowing myself a big emotional breakthrough, working through shame, energetic releases and exploring new fields of play I never thought I would feel safe with. I feel big gratitude!

  • Coming into contact with BDSI was like opening a door to a room in a house which I have never visited before. I learned to recognise, channel, play and transmute energies of dominance and submission. I also learnt to be able to surrender and trust someone in the bondage exercise, passing over this newly gained wisdom while relating to someone, the getting to know my limits with butt play and allowing to circle back to my playfield where care, intensity, gentle touch and some dairy spanking is involved. I carry all of this forth in my daily life and in the person I am. Gratitude.

  • When it comes to consent and learning how to give and get consent, my life will never be the same. This is something every human being should be able to learn, from a very early age. But if you haven’t, let Jonathan help you. It makes the world a better place.'

  • Thank you so much Jonathan, Linde and the rest of the amazing assistant team. Having never done any tantra and very little BDSI prior to the retreat, I was quite nervous about diving deep in these topics, especially considering the leftovers of sexual trauma still swimming in my body. But my intuition was right, this was exactly the space I needed to relax process and expand into. I was amazed by the variety of exercises, how beautifully they combined and mirrored exactly what the group was going through. The junction between tantra and BDSI became obvious as we progressed into the retreat, allowing energy flow, heart expansion and anger release to a degree that I found amazing. I would also like to acknowledge the incredible quantity and quality of assistants, the beauty of the location and the amazing food! Thanks again, I am really glad I signed up for the whole Pathway Journey!

  • I felt held and supported and seen. The facilitators and amazing team did an amazing job at keeping the retreat open and safe. People could explore their desires, their fears, everything without being judged. I learned a lot about my body, my desires and my boundaries. I can’t imagine a better place for experiencing this. Thank you so much.

  • When I met Jonathan and Linde at a tantra festival I knew it would be a good match for me. They have energy where you feel calm, supported and safe but with a lot of wisdom and playfulness. They themselves have been on a journey which they share openly where you can learn from and also where the wisdom comes from. What I really like and appreciate is that everything is a ritual and you should look at it as such and that makes it such a beautiful, special thing in the world of bdsm that seems hard and intense. For Jonathan and Linde connection is therefor key to them. You can make a beautiful harness on someone but without connection it doesn’t mean anything. That focus on connection is so present in their retreats, journeys. They also make sure that they themselves have a connection with each participant and make time for that. Also the assistants are amazing in the support and presence. No better place to go and I have signed up for the whole Pathway Journey!

  • Pathway I is a life changer, aside from the introduction of all possible toys for playing it is a real confrontation with myself. It makes me feel alive and shows a way forward in my own personal development. That alone makes it priceless. Thank you!

  • Wow what an experience. I can only say that every person in the world need such a journey to discover the life force and beauty of themselves. To feel real love, consent and sensuality. Thank you so much!

  • What an amazing retreat! So much healing was going on! Even though I had no real tantric experience, this was very healing. I finally could really make contact with my energetic body.

  • I felt at home in ConSensual. It is like a playground where I discovered a lot of myself. A safe space to learn my boundaries and to become more aware of my real sensual/sexual power. I loved the play night and being a 'bad girl' :-).


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